Christmas – Hanukkah 2024

December 2024

As we approach the festive season in

Israel, the lighting of the Advent candles each week has taken on a special significance for us. The themes of “hope,” “peace,” “joy” and “love” serve to revive us after more than fourteen months of violence, heartache and bloodshed. Lighting these candles and discussing them amongst our family members has helped us to realize the extent these ‘Kingdom Gifts’ have been eroded in our lives.

Please understand, we are so grateful for the ceasefire in Lebanon (so-far-so-good) and the weapons supply routes from Iran through Syria destroyed. Despite sporadic guerilla warfare from remaining terrorist militias and continued IDF operations in parts of the Gaza Strip, it seems that we are close to a ceasefire there also and an exchange of prisoners. Pray with us that we will see the remaining hostages returned to their families and the colossal job of rebuilding lives and communities begin before this year ends.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the photos of destruction and the terrible statistics provided daily by news agencies, but it really ‘hits home’ when you look up from the pulpit during your Shabbat service and see young Max sitting there with his head bandaged. Max’s army unit was attacked as they were preparing to pull out of Gaza, and several of his comrades were killed or injured. Pray with us that the surgeons will be able to save his left eye! He has just turned nineteen and was baptized a few months ago prior to his call-up. Increasingly, we notice more young men who have lost limbs in the battlefield. What a price they have paid!

Focus on Projects: Nevertheless, we press on with the tasks at hand with communities to teach and counsel, and a center to build in the heart of the city of Netanya. This week will mark the end of a series of workshops to train a small team of leaders for the emerging, Beit Asaph Hadera congregation. In early January, Lev and Evan will ordain them in the presence of the members of both communities, launching them for the work of the Gospel in our neighboring city. Please uplift this ‘early-years daughter congregation’ in your prayers.

Meanwhile, we are about to set the starting date (end of December/ beginning of January) for the internal construction of the new center. God has blessed our fundraising and we will enter this stage of the project with all the monies needed. Once again, our members were exemplary in their giving, as were you all! Thank you, thank you!

As we enter the new year 2025 Lev, will oversee the construction while Evan continues with the task of the raising the second 50% of the purchase price.  

We so value your prayers for these undertakings.

A “BeYachad” Testimony: In the last week of November, our Swiss colleagues of “BeYachad,” (Hebrew for “Together”) brought a team of 10 ministry leaders to Switzerland to testify alongside one another. We were from Israel and the West Bank, Jewish and Arab brothers and sisters. This was no easy task given that our respective peoples are at war and that flights were very limited and the high cost of tickets. Our mission was three-fold: a) to testify and conduct workshops at a conference that brought together representatives from four Swiss-based Gospel organizations, b) to minister two-by-two (Arab and Jewish Believers) in Sunday services all over Switzerland and c) spend time in intensive fellowship together, renewing our commitments to one another and to our calling as ministers of the Gospel!

Our chosen theme was, “One Hope” – “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6

For your encouragement the impact on the Church in Switzerland and on all of us, as team members was extraordinary! Thanks be to the Lord!

NB: Evan has just accepted an invitation to be a speaker at a 3-day conference in Singapore at the beginning of May next year. Delegates will come from churches all over the Middle East. Evan will be the only Jewish Believer representing the Israeli Messianic community present. This will be a challenge given the current world-view regarding our nation. He will value your prayers!

Brief Update on Miriam, Moses and baby Dael: 

Following Dael’s birth in September, the family was due to return to the African mission-field in early December. During the process of securing the baby’s birth certificate before leaving, they ran into major setback. As a foreigner and non-resident, Moses would have to prove his paternity to appear on his son’s birth certificate. This could only be done through legal intervention and an approved DNA test, a process that would take up to three months at a cost of about 10,000 shekels! Technically Moses is on a limited visa and supposed to leave Israel by early December. In addition, they were sharing a tiny apartment with Miriam’s parents, and where were they supposed to find the money for the legal fees and testing?

Great news on all fronts! The Interior ministry has extended Moses’ visa to complete the process and Evan found them a little house in lieu of voluntary work on a mission compound in the center of Israel. In addition, a local Messianic fund is willing to cover their legal fees! God is good – all the time!

Finally, we, Maala and Evan, send you a great big Beit Asaph thank you for ‘standing with us’ so faithfully this year – for your prayers and kind words of encouragement during the many ‘low moments’ and for your extraordinary generosity enabling us to accomplish so much under adverse conditions!

A Blessed Christmas/ Hanukkah to you all and an entry into 2025 with expectations from God’s Kingdom for our families and communities…

Evan and Lev